"In a knowledge economy, every major metro area is basically competing with every other one to attract high-potential talent across a wide range of disciplines. The top markets -- places like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles -- are not only creating amazing ecosystems of companies, schools and startups, but are also among the most skilled at promoting themselves as the place where the future is being created. That cycle tends to reinforce itself over time, so there's a real urgency to getting it right," saysChris Devore of Founders Co-Op. (source infra)
Building Startup Communities One Story At A Time | Startup Weekend: "What Bryan and his comrades are looking to create, assuming they can get the support of the Seattle community to stand behind them, is the story of Seattle in video form. They're not compiling a list of facts to prove why this city is amazing. They're creating a narrative that will visually show why the city and the people of Seattle are different. What makes them special? Why should the world know who they are? Bryan and his team at 'We Make Seattle' are tired of answering these questions, and are taking action to show people in a way that can be universally understood."
Cool NYC companies: New York's best small companies and start-ups: " . . . . If you’ve had an idea percolating for awhile—or just need to find a better job STAT—now’s the time to take that leap. But first, find out how successful entrepreneurs made it happen and which tools you need to follow in their footsteps. . . ."
Priceline's Comeback - Business Insider: "A $50 billion company! In Norwalk, Connecticut! That almost no one ever talks about! If ever you needed proof that, over the long haul, perception is NOT reality, reality is reality, Priceline is it. Congratulations to Jeff Boyd and the rest of the team at Priceline. What a remarkable success story."
A DEF CON postscript: Said the FBI agent to the taxi driver | ZDNet: "While attending America's high-profile hacking and security conferences, Black Hat and DEF CON, a Vegas taxi driver tells Violet Blue his FBI fares want to blind hackers to "teach them a lesson.""
Investigators track technology theft to China, hit a dead-end; scale of ...
Washington Post
They say Beijing has carried on a quiet but relentless campaign since the 1970s to acquire technology through its spy agencies and Chinese companies, ...
They say Beijing has carried on a quiet but relentless campaign since the 1970s to acquire technology through its spy agencies and Chinese companies, ...
Patent Troll Dismisses Frivolous Lawsuit and then Donates to Charity | Todd Moore: "There is a lot of talk going on about patent reform, but most of the ideas being discussed would not help small companies. In my next article, I’ll discuss solutions to the problem and my visit to Capitol Hill where I was able to share my story to those that might be able to fix our broken system. Hopefully one day tech startups can stop worrying about patent trolls and get back to building cool stuff."
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The 2013 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry produced by the Entertainment Software Association, reports 45% of all game players, and 46% of the most frequent purchasers of games, are female. Adult women make up 31% of the game-playing population. (more at link above)
Cory Booker’s Video Curation Startup Waywire Reportedly Close to Shuttering | Betabeat: "Mr. Booker has said that his stake in the company is worth between $1 million and $5 million, so he’s got a lot to lose if the company goes under. The Post reports that Waywire will likely stay in business until after Mr. Booker secures the New Jersey senate seat he’s gunning for."
Why I'm using my smartphone less and less every day | ZDNet: "What's behind my using my smartphone less than in the past? The small tablet is the culprit. It started with the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the first 7-inch Android tablet. The Tab was small enough to carry almost everywhere so it was usually close at hand. The Tab was soon followed by the Nexus 7, then the iPad mini, and the Galaxy Note 8.0."
Microsoft Office 365 Reveals Uptime Figures
Cory Booker’s Video Curation Startup Waywire Reportedly Close to Shuttering | Betabeat: "Mr. Booker has said that his stake in the company is worth between $1 million and $5 million, so he’s got a lot to lose if the company goes under. The Post reports that Waywire will likely stay in business until after Mr. Booker secures the New Jersey senate seat he’s gunning for."
Why I'm using my smartphone less and less every day | ZDNet: "What's behind my using my smartphone less than in the past? The small tablet is the culprit. It started with the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the first 7-inch Android tablet. The Tab was small enough to carry almost everywhere so it was usually close at hand. The Tab was soon followed by the Nexus 7, then the iPad mini, and the Galaxy Note 8.0."
Microsoft Office 365 Reveals Uptime Figures
In April, Derik VanVleet, a solutions engineer at Cloud Sherpas, a provider of Google Apps integration, took Microsoft to task over the downtime of Office 365 ...
In April, Derik VanVleet, a solutions engineer at Cloud Sherpas, a provider of Google Apps integration, took Microsoft to task over the downtime of Office 365 ...
A so-called “most favored nation” clause in the contracts meant that Apple could match lower prices charged by Amazon and other e-book retailers.
A so-called “most favored nation” clause in the contracts meant that Apple could match lower prices charged by Amazon and other e-book retailers.
Amazon Studios will release original-show pilots a couple of times a year and get customer feedback about them, part of a plan to crowdsource content ...
Amazon Studios will release original-show pilots a couple of times a year and get customer feedback about them, part of a plan to crowdsource content ...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google believes it has the perfect accessory for the next ... The widely anticipated evolution hatched Google Glass, a spectacle-like ...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google believes it has the perfect accessory for the next ... The widely anticipated evolution hatched Google Glass, a spectacle-like ...
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The revised delivery date from Amazon was perplexing for some because the Google Play online retail store promises to ship the device within two to three ...

Wall Street Journal (blog)
Amazon and Sony Don't Want to Build E-Readers for the Blind
The revised delivery date from Amazon was perplexing for some because the Google Play online retail store promises to ship the device within two to three ...
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Amazon and Sony Don't Want to Build E-Readers for the Blind
Apple in particular has gone a long way to make devices that are accessible to ... but doing so would turn them into tablets, a la Amazon's Kindle Fire, which is ...
Apple in particular has gone a long way to make devices that are accessible to ... but doing so would turn them into tablets, a la Amazon's Kindle Fire, which is ...
ZDNet (blog)
Summary: A Microsoft Research effort called 'Cloud Build' spawned work to increase cloud-based software and services development inside the company.
more technology news below Summary: A Microsoft Research effort called 'Cloud Build' spawned work to increase cloud-based software and services development inside the company.
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