Microsoft Bings on a challenge to Google in search
Microsoft has its work cut out for it with its provocative "Bing It On" search challenge. ... IMDb, YouTube, Amazon and elsewhere — to add additional information. ... there are in a grape — handily beat Apple's Siri in speed and relevance.. . .

Microsoft dings Ballmer's bonus over Windows 8, Surface RT struggles
Microsoft has its work cut out for it with its provocative "Bing It On" search challenge. ... IMDb, YouTube, Amazon and elsewhere — to add additional information. ... there are in a grape — handily beat Apple's Siri in speed and relevance.. . .
Microsoft dings Ballmer's bonus over Windows 8, Surface RT struggles
Computerworld - Microsoft's board of directors reduced outgoing CEO Steve Ballmer's bonus for the 2013 fiscal year, citing poor performance of Windows 8 and ...

Computerworld - Microsoft's board of directors reduced outgoing CEO Steve Ballmer's bonus for the 2013 fiscal year, citing poor performance of Windows 8 and ...
Google adds pix search to Chrome, squashes 50 bugs - Computerworld: ""Starting this week, all Chrome users will be able to search by image," said Kibeom Kim, a Chrome engineer, in a short post to a company blog. By right-clicking an image displayed in Chrome, then selecting "Search Google for this image," the browser will show other image results culled from Google's search engine."
Apple threatened by growth of prepaid smartphone plans - " . . . That shift is a worrisome one for Apple, whose iPhone provides the lion's share of the company's revenues. The vast majority of iPhones sold in the United States come with two-year contracts for standard plans with the big carriers, whose high-priced contracts subsidize the cost of the phones. The company faces the prospect of losing market share -- and eventually revenue -- to cheaper phones on prepaid plans, or having to offer a lower-cost phone that could undermine sales of its higher-priced iPhones. . . ."
Amazon Readies Set-Top Box for Holidays
Wall Street Journal
Roku sells its set-top devices for as little as $50, while Apple Inc. offers itsApple ... boxes like those sold by Roku, or videogame systems such asMicrosoft Corp....

Wall Street Journal
Samsung Soars While HTC Reports First Quarterly Loss
New York Times
TOKYO — The diverging fortunes of two of the leading smartphone providers in Asia were demonstrated Friday when Samsung Electronics of South Korea predicted better-than-expected quarterly earnings, while HTC of Taiwan reported its first loss. Bits ...
Four biggest iOS 7 complaints and how to fix some of them
Los Angeles Times
Apple's radically redesigned iOS 7 has been available for more than two weeks now, and users are upgrading to it at a record clip. Reports of satisfaction are generally high, but that doesn't mean there haven't been hiccups. In fact, a handful of problems have ...
Roku sells its set-top devices for as little as $50, while Apple Inc. offers itsApple ... boxes like those sold by Roku, or videogame systems such asMicrosoft Corp....
Wall Street Journal
Samsung Soars While HTC Reports First Quarterly Loss
New York Times
TOKYO — The diverging fortunes of two of the leading smartphone providers in Asia were demonstrated Friday when Samsung Electronics of South Korea predicted better-than-expected quarterly earnings, while HTC of Taiwan reported its first loss. Bits ...
Four biggest iOS 7 complaints and how to fix some of them
Los Angeles Times
Apple's radically redesigned iOS 7 has been available for more than two weeks now, and users are upgrading to it at a record clip. Reports of satisfaction are generally high, but that doesn't mean there haven't been hiccups. In fact, a handful of problems have ...
By contrast, makers of Android devices don't pay Google, and instead agree to ... Android dominated with 79 percent, while Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s iOS was No....

Microsoft Case Against Google's Motorola Partly Revived
By contrast, makers of Android devices don't pay Google, and instead agree to ... Android dominated with 79 percent, while Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s iOS was No....
Microsoft Case Against Google's Motorola Partly Revived
“We're pleased the court determined Google unfairly uses Microsofttechnology ... Microsoft's operating system was third with 3.6 percent, withApple Inc. having ...

Yahoo!7 News
Google Is Far From Losing the War Over Social
“We're pleased the court determined Google unfairly uses Microsofttechnology ... Microsoft's operating system was third with 3.6 percent, withApple Inc. having ...
Yahoo!7 News
Google Is Far From Losing the War Over Social
Google's social network, Google+, is more popular than Twitter. Every month, nearly 390 million people worldwide use the service to post messages, make ...
Verizon Pushes Into Google, Amazon, Microsoft IaaS Territory
Google's social network, Google+, is more popular than Twitter. Every month, nearly 390 million people worldwide use the service to post messages, make ...
Verizon Pushes Into Google, Amazon, Microsoft IaaS Territory
Verizon Cloud Storage is an object storage service, where structured and unstructured data is stored as files, similar to Amazon, Google andMicrosoft cloud ...
Amazon Prime Instant Video to produce three new pilots
Verizon Cloud Storage is an object storage service, where structured and unstructured data is stored as files, similar to Amazon, Google andMicrosoft cloud ...
Amazon Prime Instant Video to produce three new pilots
Los Angeles Times
Amazon Studios, which launched in 2010 with the goal of creating original online series and movies, announced Thursday that it would produce three new pilots ...
Microsoft's Spencer says the clever Xbone nickname will stick
Amazon Studios, which launched in 2010 with the goal of creating original online series and movies, announced Thursday that it would produce three new pilots ...
Microsoft's Spencer says the clever Xbone nickname will stick
Microsoft's Spencer says the clever Xbone nickname will stick. October 3, 2013 ... Microsoft took ownership of the domain in September. In the same ...

Apple Buys Cue For Over $40M To Compete With Google Now ...
Microsoft's Spencer says the clever Xbone nickname will stick. October 3, 2013 ... Microsoft took ownership of the domain in September. In the same ...
Apple Buys Cue For Over $40M To Compete With Google Now ...
Alexia Tsotsis
Personal assistants are all the rage, with everything from Apple's Siri to Google's Google Now hogging headlines. There is also another tier of independent ...
Personal assistants are all the rage, with everything from Apple's Siri to Google's Google Now hogging headlines. There is also another tier of independent ...
Josh Ong
Google has made changes to its mobile search engine that should make it between 200-400 milliseconds faster on Chrome and Safari.
Google has made changes to its mobile search engine that should make it between 200-400 milliseconds faster on Chrome and Safari.
The Next Web
Lance Whitney
So far it's a name that Amazon has filed to trademark. ... for CNET, Computer Shopper, MicrosoftTechNet, and other technology sites. ... Samsung HomeSync competes with Apple TV, and Google's music app may be coming soon to iOS.Posts
So far it's a name that Amazon has filed to trademark. ... for CNET, Computer Shopper, MicrosoftTechNet, and other technology sites. ... Samsung HomeSync competes with Apple TV, and Google's music app may be coming soon to iOS.Posts
Google Chrome Blog: Chrome for Android gets application shortcuts ...
Have you ever wished your phone or tablet's browser could immediately open a website you visit often? With the Beta release of Chrome for Android rolling out
France targets Amazon to protect bookshops -
He said Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon between them had between €2.2bn and €3bn sales in France, but paid on average only €4m in tax each.
Improved App Insight by Linking Google Analytics with Google Play ...
Posted by Ellie Powers, Google Play team. A key part of growing your app's installed base is knowing more about your users — how they discover your app,
Apple iBeacons: iOS 7 iBeacon feature could usher in advertising ...
Alongside the introduction of Apple's latest mobile operating system iOS 7, the company also ...Video: Here's how Microsoft rebuilt Kinect for the Xbox One. Next
Google Music app for iOS to drop in October, says report - CNET News
Google is currently working on its Music app and plans to get it to Apple's App Store sometime this month, Engadget reported on Thursday, citing people who are
Apple issues OS X 10.8.5 Supplemental Update, iTunes 11.1.1 - Tuaw
Apple has released OS X v10.8.5 Supplemental Update 1.0 for Mountain Lion. The update, which is available in the Mac App Store or through the link above,
Apple has released OS X v10.8.5 Supplemental Update 1.0 for Mountain Lion. The update, which is available in the Mac App Store or through the link above,
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