We stand for a free and open Internet.
We support transparent and participatory processes for making Internet policy and the establishment of five basic principles:
Expression: Don't censor the Internet.
Access: Promote universal access to fast and affordable networks.
Openness: Keep the Internet an open network where everyone is free to connect, communicate, write, read, watch, speak, listen, learn, create and innovate.
Innovation: Protect the freedom to innovate and create without permission. Don’t block new technologies, and don’t punish innovators for their users' actions.
Privacy: Protect privacy and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used.
Go here to sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom.
Craigslist Founder Gives Cash, Tech to San Francisco Vets
Thousands of veterans, many of whom face job concerns, just got some major tech support - a donation of cash and technology from dotcom success story Craig Newmark.
Tech Report: Google Getting Rid Of iGoogle, Several Other Features ...
By Andre Torrez
On Monday we talked about Apple dumping its MobileMe service, but it turns out they aren't the only high-tech giant doing away with some failed features.
CBS San Francisco
We support transparent and participatory processes for making Internet policy and the establishment of five basic principles:
Expression: Don't censor the Internet.
Access: Promote universal access to fast and affordable networks.
Openness: Keep the Internet an open network where everyone is free to connect, communicate, write, read, watch, speak, listen, learn, create and innovate.
Innovation: Protect the freedom to innovate and create without permission. Don’t block new technologies, and don’t punish innovators for their users' actions.
Privacy: Protect privacy and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used.
Go here to sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom.
A Declaration of Internet Freedom ABC News
On Jan. 18 of this year, the Internet went dark. In protest against overreaching copyright legislation that endangered the open architecture of the Internet, online services like Wikipedia and Reddit, along with 115000 other websites, participated in ...

ABC News
Mixed grades for Peru's kids laptop program
LIMA, Peru – Peru's equipping of more than 800000 public schoolchildren in this rugged Andean nation with low-cost laptops ranks among the world's most ambitious efforts to leverage digital technology in the fight against poverty. Yet five years in, ...

Apple iPad 'Mini' rumors heat up; launch seen by year end
Two reports suggest Apple is cranking up its supply chain partners in preparation for a fall debut of a long-awaited and highly-anticipated smaller iPad version. by Zack Whittaker Rumors of an Apple iPad "Mini" are starting to get some credible backing ...
"It's a boson:" Higgs quest bears new particle |
By Chris Wickham | GENEVA (Reuters) - Scientists at Europe's CERN research centre have found a new subatomic particle, a basic building block of the universe, which appears to be the boson imagined and named half a century ago by theoretical physicist ...
For Google, Future Takes Many Shapes
ABC News
Last week Google showed its vision of the future of computers, as it publicly showed off Project Glass, its so-called Google Glasses, for the first time. The glasses, if you haven't seen the demo, project digital information right in front of your eyes ...
European lawmakers reject global anti-piracy deal
* Victory for activists who held protests across Europe * Lawmakers warn of new backlash against EU copyright reform * Business groups say EU weaker in trade talks without deal (Adds quote from European Parliament president) By Claire Davenport ...
Tosh handed $87 MILLION fine in LCD price fixing case
Japanese electronics giant Toshiba has come out fighting after becoming the latest big name to be found guilty of a widespread price-fixing racket relating to liquid crystal display (LCD) panels sold in the US. The company has now been ordered by a ...
Google sends wrong update to Galaxy Nexus
By Joe Wilcox Let me see if I understand this. Google, the company that perfected web search and through it changed the lives of billions of people, must disable the local functonality from its flagship smartphone -- all because of Apple?

Boffins pull off room-temp quantum computing with home-grown gems
By Brid-Aine Parnell • Get more from this author One of the very many reasons there won't be quantum computing any time soon is that the quantum bits (qubits) need to be at absolute zero - not very practical for the average server room, much less the ...
UK High Court rules three Apple patents invalid, vindicates HTC
The Verge
By Aaron Souppouris on July 4, 2012 11:45 am 1Comments The UK High Court of Justice's Chancery Division has today ruled that HTC smartphones are not in violation of any of the EU patents Apple brought to the court. In addition, Judge Christopher Floyd, ...
Best Buy sues culprits in Samsung phone launch leak
JK Shin, president and head of Samsung's mobile division, presents Samsung Electronics' new Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone during its launch at The Earls Court Exhibition Centre in London May 3, 2012. JK Shin, president and head of Samsung's mobile ...

How to Take Photos of Fireworks With Your Phone
Before you even touch the settings on your phone, you'll need to make sure you're in the prime spot. Get as close as possible with a clear view. Buildings, water and landmarks make great foregrounds and backgrounds for fireworks photos and will give ...
Watch The Terrible 4th Of July 'Assassin's Creed III' Live-Action Trailer
Some video game trailers are so bad reviewers should dock points from the game's score out of principle. The new Assassin's Creed III trailer is one such trailer. Ubisoft continues to tap into good old Tea Party-style American nationalism or, rather, ...

Paleontologists: Feather fossil could change look of predatory dinosaurs
The Bunsen Burner
Evidence has mounted in recent years that some dinosaurs gained feathers on their way to evolving into birds. But a new study suggests feathered dinosaurs were more prevalent. The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) released an article today ...

The Bunsen Burner
Could hackers take control of drones?
By Ralph KM Haurwitz AUSTIN, Texas - After a dress rehearsal at Royal-Memorial Stadium, University of Texas researchers traveled to New Mexico last month and demonstrated for US Department of Homeland Security officials how an unmanned aerial vehicle, ...
Laplink launches Pcmover for Windows 8
TechRadar UK
By Marcus Austin July 4th 2012 Pioneers in data transfer software, Laplink launch a Windows 8 ready version of their PC transfer application PCmover and claim the move from Windows XP to Windows 8 will be a "nightmare" and "almost impossible," with one ...

TechRadar UK
iGoogle Going ... Gone
iGoogle is the latest casualty of Google's policy of clearing the decks, or rather the desks, of any unwanted, under-used or simply inconvenient (to Google) software. iGoogle was introduced in 2005 as a custom Google homepage that allowed you to add ...
Apple To Extend The Retina Treatment To New iMac
The Droid Guy
Last month saw the Apple lineup of Mac notebooks getting upgraded and the new MacBook Pro even got it's own Retina Display. It is then only a matter of time that all of Apple's product range gets upgraded to Apple's proprietary high resolution display.

The Droid Guy
Facebook e-mail mess: Address books altered; e-mail lost
Facebook's new unified e-mail and its implementation is causing unwanted changes to users' address books; worse, the changes have gone unnoticed by users and vital communication is being lost. by Violet Blue An alarming number of people are reporting ...
Twitter follows Google's data request trend
The Associated Press (AP) is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and... Twitter will provide biannual reports about US and foreign government demands for information ...

RIM not in a 'death spiral,' CEO says
Research In Motion chief executive Thorsten Heins told CBC "there's nothing wrong with the company as it exists right now" and says he is confident the company will be a "very strong player" in smartphones for years to come.

Microsoft grabs Xbox 8 domains, rumors run amok
Forget the Xbox 720 or Durango or any of the other names the rumor mill has given Microsoft's next game machine. Word on the street today is that the next Xbox will be called Xbox 8 -- or perhaps more likely: Xbox Infinity. The Xbox rumor mill lit up ...
Contract Cycle Suggests Many Will Skip Ice Cream Sandwich
Sci-Tech Today
By Adam Dickter "Updates aren't regularly pushed down on Android devices, this is one of the dark secrets of the platform and the old carrier-driven smartphone market in general," said analyst Rob Enderle. "Over time this becomes a nasty problem for ...

Sci-Tech Today
No evidence of mermaids, says US government
BBC News
The National Ocean Service made the unusual declaration in response to public inquiries following a TV show on the mythical creatures. It is thought some viewers may have mistaken the programme for a documentary. "No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ...

BBC News
Microsoft write-down gets shrug from Street
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Microsoft Corp.'s $6.2 billion write-down of its 2007 acquisition of aQuantive underlined the tech giant's failures in the online advertising market, but got a big shrug from investors on Tuesday.
Activision to Debut Free 'Call of Duty' to China
Wall Street Journal
Activision Blizzard will offer a version of "Call of Duty" designed to appeal to Chinese gamers' taste online for free in the country later this year. Ian Sherr reports on digits. Photo: Activision. This transcript has been automatically generated and...
Google: We drove $80B in US economic activity last year
by Don Reisinger Google is driving serious economic activity in the US -- at least, that is, according to Google. The search giant today unveiled its 2011 Economic Impact report, and said that its search and advertising tools, including AdWords and ...
Tablet Shipments to Pass Laptops by 2016, Fueling PC Market Growth
Led by the Apple iPad, tablets are expected to be a bright spot of the PC market, with shipments exceeding those of laptops by 2016. Shipments of tablets such as the Apple iPad are on track to surpass shipments of laptops by 2016, NPD reported July 3.
Review: Google's Nexus 7 is the budget tablet to beat
Detroit Free Press
It has features that the Fire is missing, including a camera, microphone, Bluetooth, GPS and NFC (near-field communications), which is wireless technology that works with the Android Beam feature as a way to share content with other devices. NFC will ...
The IFAB is set to rule on goal-line technology on Thursday.
Patrick Barclay is one of England's most experienced soccer writers. He has covered the game for every broadsheet newspaper and attended eight World Cups. Barclay is the author of biographies of Jose Mourinho (Further Anatomy of a Winner) and Sir Alex...
On Jan. 18 of this year, the Internet went dark. In protest against overreaching copyright legislation that endangered the open architecture of the Internet, online services like Wikipedia and Reddit, along with 115000 other websites, participated in ...
ABC News
Mixed grades for Peru's kids laptop program
LIMA, Peru – Peru's equipping of more than 800000 public schoolchildren in this rugged Andean nation with low-cost laptops ranks among the world's most ambitious efforts to leverage digital technology in the fight against poverty. Yet five years in, ...
Apple iPad 'Mini' rumors heat up; launch seen by year end
Two reports suggest Apple is cranking up its supply chain partners in preparation for a fall debut of a long-awaited and highly-anticipated smaller iPad version. by Zack Whittaker Rumors of an Apple iPad "Mini" are starting to get some credible backing ...
"It's a boson:" Higgs quest bears new particle |
By Chris Wickham | GENEVA (Reuters) - Scientists at Europe's CERN research centre have found a new subatomic particle, a basic building block of the universe, which appears to be the boson imagined and named half a century ago by theoretical physicist ...
For Google, Future Takes Many Shapes
ABC News
Last week Google showed its vision of the future of computers, as it publicly showed off Project Glass, its so-called Google Glasses, for the first time. The glasses, if you haven't seen the demo, project digital information right in front of your eyes ...
European lawmakers reject global anti-piracy deal
* Victory for activists who held protests across Europe * Lawmakers warn of new backlash against EU copyright reform * Business groups say EU weaker in trade talks without deal (Adds quote from European Parliament president) By Claire Davenport ...
Tosh handed $87 MILLION fine in LCD price fixing case
Japanese electronics giant Toshiba has come out fighting after becoming the latest big name to be found guilty of a widespread price-fixing racket relating to liquid crystal display (LCD) panels sold in the US. The company has now been ordered by a ...
Google sends wrong update to Galaxy Nexus
By Joe Wilcox Let me see if I understand this. Google, the company that perfected web search and through it changed the lives of billions of people, must disable the local functonality from its flagship smartphone -- all because of Apple?
Boffins pull off room-temp quantum computing with home-grown gems
By Brid-Aine Parnell • Get more from this author One of the very many reasons there won't be quantum computing any time soon is that the quantum bits (qubits) need to be at absolute zero - not very practical for the average server room, much less the ...
UK High Court rules three Apple patents invalid, vindicates HTC
The Verge
By Aaron Souppouris on July 4, 2012 11:45 am 1Comments The UK High Court of Justice's Chancery Division has today ruled that HTC smartphones are not in violation of any of the EU patents Apple brought to the court. In addition, Judge Christopher Floyd, ...
Best Buy sues culprits in Samsung phone launch leak
JK Shin, president and head of Samsung's mobile division, presents Samsung Electronics' new Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone during its launch at The Earls Court Exhibition Centre in London May 3, 2012. JK Shin, president and head of Samsung's mobile ...
How to Take Photos of Fireworks With Your Phone
Before you even touch the settings on your phone, you'll need to make sure you're in the prime spot. Get as close as possible with a clear view. Buildings, water and landmarks make great foregrounds and backgrounds for fireworks photos and will give ...
Watch The Terrible 4th Of July 'Assassin's Creed III' Live-Action Trailer
Some video game trailers are so bad reviewers should dock points from the game's score out of principle. The new Assassin's Creed III trailer is one such trailer. Ubisoft continues to tap into good old Tea Party-style American nationalism or, rather, ...
Paleontologists: Feather fossil could change look of predatory dinosaurs
The Bunsen Burner
Evidence has mounted in recent years that some dinosaurs gained feathers on their way to evolving into birds. But a new study suggests feathered dinosaurs were more prevalent. The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) released an article today ...
The Bunsen Burner
Could hackers take control of drones?
By Ralph KM Haurwitz AUSTIN, Texas - After a dress rehearsal at Royal-Memorial Stadium, University of Texas researchers traveled to New Mexico last month and demonstrated for US Department of Homeland Security officials how an unmanned aerial vehicle, ...
Laplink launches Pcmover for Windows 8
TechRadar UK
By Marcus Austin July 4th 2012 Pioneers in data transfer software, Laplink launch a Windows 8 ready version of their PC transfer application PCmover and claim the move from Windows XP to Windows 8 will be a "nightmare" and "almost impossible," with one ...
TechRadar UK
iGoogle Going ... Gone
iGoogle is the latest casualty of Google's policy of clearing the decks, or rather the desks, of any unwanted, under-used or simply inconvenient (to Google) software. iGoogle was introduced in 2005 as a custom Google homepage that allowed you to add ...
Apple To Extend The Retina Treatment To New iMac
The Droid Guy
Last month saw the Apple lineup of Mac notebooks getting upgraded and the new MacBook Pro even got it's own Retina Display. It is then only a matter of time that all of Apple's product range gets upgraded to Apple's proprietary high resolution display.
The Droid Guy
Facebook e-mail mess: Address books altered; e-mail lost
Facebook's new unified e-mail and its implementation is causing unwanted changes to users' address books; worse, the changes have gone unnoticed by users and vital communication is being lost. by Violet Blue An alarming number of people are reporting ...
Twitter follows Google's data request trend
The Associated Press (AP) is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and... Twitter will provide biannual reports about US and foreign government demands for information ...
RIM not in a 'death spiral,' CEO says
Research In Motion chief executive Thorsten Heins told CBC "there's nothing wrong with the company as it exists right now" and says he is confident the company will be a "very strong player" in smartphones for years to come.
Microsoft grabs Xbox 8 domains, rumors run amok
Forget the Xbox 720 or Durango or any of the other names the rumor mill has given Microsoft's next game machine. Word on the street today is that the next Xbox will be called Xbox 8 -- or perhaps more likely: Xbox Infinity. The Xbox rumor mill lit up ...
Contract Cycle Suggests Many Will Skip Ice Cream Sandwich
Sci-Tech Today
By Adam Dickter "Updates aren't regularly pushed down on Android devices, this is one of the dark secrets of the platform and the old carrier-driven smartphone market in general," said analyst Rob Enderle. "Over time this becomes a nasty problem for ...
Sci-Tech Today
No evidence of mermaids, says US government
BBC News
The National Ocean Service made the unusual declaration in response to public inquiries following a TV show on the mythical creatures. It is thought some viewers may have mistaken the programme for a documentary. "No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ...
BBC News
Microsoft write-down gets shrug from Street
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Microsoft Corp.'s $6.2 billion write-down of its 2007 acquisition of aQuantive underlined the tech giant's failures in the online advertising market, but got a big shrug from investors on Tuesday.
Activision to Debut Free 'Call of Duty' to China
Wall Street Journal
Activision Blizzard will offer a version of "Call of Duty" designed to appeal to Chinese gamers' taste online for free in the country later this year. Ian Sherr reports on digits. Photo: Activision. This transcript has been automatically generated and...
Google: We drove $80B in US economic activity last year
by Don Reisinger Google is driving serious economic activity in the US -- at least, that is, according to Google. The search giant today unveiled its 2011 Economic Impact report, and said that its search and advertising tools, including AdWords and ...
Tablet Shipments to Pass Laptops by 2016, Fueling PC Market Growth
Led by the Apple iPad, tablets are expected to be a bright spot of the PC market, with shipments exceeding those of laptops by 2016. Shipments of tablets such as the Apple iPad are on track to surpass shipments of laptops by 2016, NPD reported July 3.
Review: Google's Nexus 7 is the budget tablet to beat
Detroit Free Press
It has features that the Fire is missing, including a camera, microphone, Bluetooth, GPS and NFC (near-field communications), which is wireless technology that works with the Android Beam feature as a way to share content with other devices. NFC will ...
The IFAB is set to rule on goal-line technology on Thursday.
Patrick Barclay is one of England's most experienced soccer writers. He has covered the game for every broadsheet newspaper and attended eight World Cups. Barclay is the author of biographies of Jose Mourinho (Further Anatomy of a Winner) and Sir Alex...
Craigslist Founder Gives Cash, Tech to San Francisco Vets
Thousands of veterans, many of whom face job concerns, just got some major tech support - a donation of cash and technology from dotcom success story Craig Newmark.
Tech Report: Google Getting Rid Of iGoogle, Several Other Features ...
By Andre Torrez
On Monday we talked about Apple dumping its MobileMe service, but it turns out they aren't the only high-tech giant doing away with some failed features.
CBS San Francisco
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