PC Magazine
By David Murphy Attention technophiles — and really, everyone. The Federal Aviation Administration is allegedly going to start looking into the (antiquated) rules it employs against those looking to use their electronic devices during any and all ...
Google to Penalize Over-SEO'd Sites
PC Magazine
By David Murphy The never-ending chicken-and-egg issue of gaining ground in Google results is about to take another abrupt turn. According to Google's Matt Cutts, the company is working on a new set of tweaks to the fabled "GoogleBot" that will ...
Ice Cream Sandwich for Android rolling out
By Roger Yu, USA TODAY While the launch of the new iPad is grabbing headlines worldwide this month, its chief software rival, Android by Google, is also undergoing a series of sharp changes that have not been heralded as widely.
Why giant squid sport basketball-size eyes
Fox News
True to its name, the colossal squid is a pretty big squid. It is thought to be the largest invertebrate, measuring 39–46 feet long. It also has the largest eyes of any animal.Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand The enormous eyes of giant and colossal...
New screen, battery mean new iPad's more expensive to make than iPad 2 ...
Washington Post
NEW YORK — Apple appears to be making less of a profit from each new iPad than it did when it launched the previous model a year ago, according to a research firm's analysis. IHS iSuppli took apart a new iPad on Friday, the day the device went on sale ...
Another gray whale spotted in San Francisco Bay
San Jose Mercury News
Another gray whale has been spotted in San Francisco Bay, and boaters are again being asked to steer clear. The whale, reported today, is one of several to be spotted this month, including a mother and calf pair that swam into the bay last week.
Mozilla launches Firefox 11 and Thunderbird 11
As Google, Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla continue jockeying for position in the browser market, Mozilla issued an update to Firefox this week to add a new feature. Announced earlier this week by Mozilla on the company's official blog, Firefox 11 rolled ...
So did the new iPad sell out or didn't it?
Some reports suggest there are plenty of new iPads still in stores. Does that mean the new product isn't selling so well? Or does it mean Apple made a few more, just in case? by Chris Matyszczyk March 17, 2012 9:53 AM PDT The line forms outside the...
Scientists develop the un-printer - vaporises ink from paper
Sydney Morning Herald
In the future, printers like this one by Xerox may be able to remove ink from paper too. Photo: Bloomberg A team of scientists at the University of Cambridge have determined that as long as you are using the right type of laser, it is possible to ...
Sydney Morning Herald
CIA Eager to Enlist Inanimate Internet Spies
Internet of Things will let appliance-assisted spies snoop on anyone without ever leaving their desks. By Kevin Fogarty, ITworld There's a really lame old joke that feels like it grew out of Soviet Cold War cynicism but is as American as paranoia gets: ...
Crowds create Wikipedia-style maps of the world
Gainesville Sun
Ben Gleitzman uses a traffic and navigation app called Waze on his Apple iPhone as he drives to work in Menlo Park, Calif. Thousands of enthusiasts traveling the world using little more than GPS-equipped smartphones are helping Waze and other services ...
Latest neutrinos experiment proves Einstein remains correct
The State Column
It appears that Albert Einstein was probably right when he posited that nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. According to a press release from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), ...
In Crosswords, It's Man Over Machine, for Now
New York Times (blog)
By STEVE LOHR | March 18, 2012, 4:49 pm Chris Pietsch for The New York Times Matthew Ginsberg, the man behind a computer program, called Dr. Fill, that competed at the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. Score one for humans and their subtle, quirky, ...
New York Times (blog)
Microsoft blames security info-sharing program for attack code leak
By Gregg Keizer March 18, 2012 — Computerworld — Microsoft on Friday confirmed that sample attack code created by the company had likely leaked to hackers from a program it runs with antivirus vendors. "Details of the proof-of-concept code appear to...
Skydiver Leaps From 71581 Feet, Prepares for 120000 Foot Jump
by Max Eddy | 11:00 am, March 17th, 2012 The Internet has been lately awash with videos of people strapping interesting objects to weather balloons for the purpose of filming them at the edge of space. It's fun to watch, but Austrian skydiver Felix ...
Google Gives Search a Refresh
Wall Street Journal
By AMIR EFRATI Google Inc. is giving its tried-and-true Web-search formula a makeover as it tries to fix the shortcomings of today's technology and maintain its dominant market share. Over the next few months, Google's search engine will begin spitting ...
Wall Street Journal
Major ISPs to turn into copyright police by July, says RIAA
By July 12, major Internet service providers in the US will begin taking actions against customers who are suspected of downloading copyrighted content illegally. File-sharers, beware: By July 12, major US Internet service providers (ISPs) will ...
AT&T seeks to settle _ quietly _ with iPhone user
The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — AT&T is offering to discuss a settlement with an iPhone user who won a small-claims case that alleged the company was slowing down his "unlimited" data service. A law firm retained by AT&T Inc. also threatened in a letter dated Friday ...
The Associated Press
New frog species found in NYC area
My Fox 8
NEW YORK — Scientists have identified a new species of leopard frog in and around New York City. The frog was found hiding in plain sight on Staten Island. The New York Times reported the find is surprising because the frog was discovered in one of the ...
My Fox 8
First Commercial Spaceship to Launch to Space Station April 30
by Denise Chow, SPACE.com Staff Writer The launch of the first commercially built space capsule to the International Space Station will occur at the end of April, NASA officials announced today (March 15). California-based Space Exploration ...
Winning A Bidding War With Facebook, Google Picks Up The Milk Product Team
AllThingsD is reporting that super-founder Kevin Rose is joining Google. Well, that's part of the story … the other part is that the entire Milk product team, including Rose, will be joining the search giant, in an acqui-hire type deal where the ...
Dissected iPad reveals Samsung, Qualcomm parts
* Teardowns a key glimpse into Apple supply chain * Qualcomm supplies LTE * Memory from Elpida, Toshiba By Noel Randewich and Poornima Gupta SAN FRANCISCO, March 15 (Reuters) - Apple's new iPad uses chips made by Qualcomm, Broadcom , Samsung ...
Mass Effect 3 Producer: Criticism Of Ending Is Valid
Cinema Blend
BioWare is starting to be a bit more open in their thoughts about Mass Effect 3's ending. Executive producer Casey Hudson stated that much of the criticism of ME3's conclusion is valid. Hudson starts off by saying that Mass Effect 3 itself is a "series ...
Cinema Blend
Gamers: Capcom's DLC practices are a scam
Shortly before the March 6 release of Street Fighter X Tekken for the Xbox 360 and PS3, players uncovered notable content locked on the retail disc, including 12 previously unannounced characters. Since then, a slew of costumes, character colors, gems, ...
10 apps every iPad user should own
By Lex Friedman Macworld - There are many thousands of apps available. (As Apple's advertising campaign says, "There's an app for that.") But some apps are simply must-haves--whether for their functionality, interface brilliance, or sheer entertainment ...
Living With Windows 8 Consumer Preview
PC Magazine
By Michael J. Miller I've been waiting to write about the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, wondering if over time, the new user interface would grow on me. Now that I have spent the past couple of weeks trying it on a variety of machines, I still think the...
The iPad Wins Because Android Tablet Apps Suck
PC Magazine
Do Android tablet apps really suck? Yes. Yes, they do. We take a close look, and provide examples. By Sascha Segan I just gave the new iPad an Editors' Choice award for large tablets, but frankly it was a foregone conclusion.
New iPad: Why you should never buy an LTE tablet
Washington Post
The Verge's Sean Hollister says that the new iPad is not only a magnificent device, but also a nice reminder of how horrible data plans are: Apple's new iPad is magnificent. The screen is superb, the processor is fast, and despite its newfound LTE ...
Tech industry hates on Yahoo for Facebook lawsuit
ZDNet (blog)
The technology industry is up in arms: most are not so much with Facebook, but they are definitely against Yahoo. Venture capitalist Fred Wilson called the lawsuit a “crock of s***” in a post titled “Yahoo! Crosses The Line.
5 ways to control your privacy on Google
A worker pauses while preparing a Google stand at a technology trade fair. The company recently expanded its ability to combine data from its various services to create a highly detailed profile on you. Google says it's doing that to simplify its ...
New Experiment Shows Neutrinos Do Not Travel Faster Than Light
Now, in what may well be the final nail in the coffin for the claim that neutrinostravel faster than light, scientists from the ICARUS Group, which is also in Gran Sasso, have announced that they've measured neutrinos travelling from CERN, ...

Chinese writers' group sues Apple, reports state media
| BEIJING (Reuters) - A group of 22 Chinese authors have filed a claim against US technologygroup Apple, alleging its App Store sells unlicensed copies of their books, Chinese state media reported on Sunday. The group, the Writers Rights Alliance, ...
Weekly Ed-Tech News Roundup: Encyclopedia Britannica Stops the ...
Weekly Ed-Tech News Roundup: Encyclopedia Britannica Stops the Presses. by Audrey Watters on 17 Mar, ... It's been two years since the Obama Administration released its National Educational Technology Plan. This week, the government ...
Hack Education
High-tech Sweden edges closer to becoming cashless society
Washington Post
The contours of such a society are starting to take shape in this high-tech nation, frustrating those who prefer coins and bills over digital money. In most Swedish cities, public buses don't accept cash; tickets are prepaid or purchased with a cell ...
Now, in what may well be the final nail in the coffin for the claim that neutrinostravel faster than light, scientists from the ICARUS Group, which is also in Gran Sasso, have announced that they've measured neutrinos travelling from CERN, ...
Chinese writers' group sues Apple, reports state media
| BEIJING (Reuters) - A group of 22 Chinese authors have filed a claim against US technologygroup Apple, alleging its App Store sells unlicensed copies of their books, Chinese state media reported on Sunday. The group, the Writers Rights Alliance, ...
Weekly Ed-Tech News Roundup: Encyclopedia Britannica Stops the ...
Weekly Ed-Tech News Roundup: Encyclopedia Britannica Stops the Presses. by Audrey Watters on 17 Mar, ... It's been two years since the Obama Administration released its National Educational Technology Plan. This week, the government ...
Hack Education
High-tech Sweden edges closer to becoming cashless society
Washington Post
The contours of such a society are starting to take shape in this high-tech nation, frustrating those who prefer coins and bills over digital money. In most Swedish cities, public buses don't accept cash; tickets are prepaid or purchased with a cell ...
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